Human Resources Department » Staff Evaluation System

Staff Evaluation System

Staff Evaluation System

The Bayfield School District 10 Jt-R has adopted the Colorado State Model Evaluation system for use in the evaluation of all licensed personnel, including teachers and school principals, and specialized service professionals. The state model rubrics for the evaluation of specialized service professionals, teachers, assistant principals, and principals are subject to change as the Colorado Department of Education works collaboratively to increase the feedback to school professionals and also refine the system across Colorado.

At the beginning of each school year, building principals conduct an orientation to the system and all licensed staff are evaluated using the statewide RANDA system to record professional goals, feedback, student and school achievement, and progress of each professional.

We also included our Bayfield School District evaluation rubric for our dean of students and our classified staff.  Both of these rubrics and evaluation system mirror the Colorado State Model Evaluation system.