Native American Student Resources » State and National Educational Resources

State and National Educational Resources

  • Tribal Colleges and Universities, listed alphabetically by state. Presently, there are 32 fully accredited Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) in the United States, with one formal candidate for accreditation. Three are in Associate Status. These TCUs offer 358 total programs, including apprenticeships, diplomas, certificates, and degrees. These programs include 181 associate degree programs at 23 TCUs, 40 bachelor’s degree programs at 11 TCUs, and 5 master’s degree programs at 2 TCUs (AIHEC).
  • The Association on American Indian Affairs, provides information about colleges and universities that offer Native American Studies Programs.
Native American studies is an interdisciplinary academic field that examines the history, culture, politics, issues, and contemporary experience of Native peoples in North America, or taking a hemispheric approach, the Americas.