Gifted Education Program continues to grow in Bayfield under the guidance of one full-time teacher at Bayfield Primary School and one secondary level teacher who works between Bayfield Middle and High Schools. Program administration duties are assumed by the Director of Instructional Services in the Bayfield Administration Office. At the elementary level, the gifted education teacher keeps track of talent pool students to determine if they should be tested for the gifted program as well provides appropriate compacted and accelerated curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities to gifted students in grades 2 - 5.
At the middle and high school level, the gifted education teacher facilitates curriculum needs by working with staff members to differentiate assignments, as well as provides sessions that address the social and emotional needs of gifted (SENG) students. At the high school level, students are placed in advanced-level or honors classes that challenge them in their area(s) of giftedness.
Colorado requires GT programs to include activities that address the social and emotional needs of gifted students. This includes encouraging and empowering students to advocate for their needs in their regular classrooms. In addition, these SENG sessions help gifted students understand their giftedness, quirks, worries, and how to reach their top potential based on the work Terry Bradley (Boulder, CO) and other well-known experts in the field.
All students in the gifted education program have an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP), which is individual to the student’s needs and interests. Goals are collaboratively written by the students, parents, teachers, and administrators and reviewed twice a year.
In collaboration with the Superintendent and building principals, the Director of Instructional Services oversees the program and its development. Areas of focus include compliance with state gifted education law, state grant allocation distribution, parent informational programs, data analysis, the identification process for new students, best practices in gifted education, and the gifted education component of the Unified Improvement Plan.
Gifted Education Staff:
(click name to contact)