Wolverine Weeklies — May 25, 2024

Please click the LINK below to view the final Newsletter of the year from each of our schools:

Bayfield Primary School Bayfield Primary School

     — Thanks for a Great Year

     — End of the Year Celebrations

     — Kindergarten Graduation!

     — BPS Summer Reading Program

     — Summer Snack Bags

Bayfield Intermediate School Bayfield Intermediate School

     — Summer Jump-Start

     — Kindergarten Registration

     — Avoid the Summer Slide

     — School Supply Boxes On Sale

     — Parent Survey

Bayfield Middle School Bayfield Middle School

     — We Will Miss You!

     — Staff Member Awards

     — Continuation Tribute Video

     — Eye Dissections?!

     — Summer Cheer Schedule

Bayfield High School Bayfield High School

     — Hello Summer!

     — Wolverines of the Year

     — Student School Board Member

     — Yearbook Reprint Coming

     — Farewell from Principal Miglinas

Thanks the our principals and staff members who gather all of this fantastic material and compile it each week to share with parents and our other community stakeholders.
